APPD 2024 Annual Fall Meeting for New Program Leaders

When:  Sep 17, 2024 from 08:00 AM to 12:30 PM (ET)

IMPORTANT FOR ALL: Please DO NOT use your member login to register another person! If they are members, they must register through their own record or you will need their login information to register them through their own record. If they are not members, you close the pop-up login box and continue with the registration and the system will create a registration record.

IMPORTANT FOR MEMBERS: In order to see and select the Member fee, you must log into the pop-up login box that opens when you click on the "Click here to Register Online". It will ask you to "Log in to your existing account"

Registration Fees:
APPD Member: $545 (Early by July 31); $595 (Regular)
Non-Member: $595 (Early by July 31); $645 (Regular)

Registration includes the following meal functions: 2 continental breakfasts on Tuesday/Wednesday, 1 lunch on Tuesday, coffee breaks, and Keynote Dinner on Tuesday.

Code of Conduct: APPD is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all meeting participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, volunteers, sponsors, APPD staff members, and service providers. APPD has zero-tolerance for any form of bullying, discrimination, or harassment, and reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the meeting without warning or refund, in response to any incident of unacceptable behavior. APPD reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting, virtually or in person. Disruption of presentations at any event organized by APPD is strictly prohibited. Participants should not copy or take screen shots of Q&A. Presentations, postings, and messages should not contain promotional materials, special offers, job offers, product announcements, or solicitation for services. APPD reserves the right to remove any presentation, posting, or message that it deems to be inappropriate for a scientific meeting. Read the full code of conduct here.

Photography: By registering for the APPD 2024 Annual Fall Meeting, attendees consent to be photographed during the meeting, with the understanding that these images may be used in APPD documents, social media, and publications only. If anyone prefers to not have their photo used by APPD, please contact

Cancellation: APPD reserves the right to cancel any sessions due to lack of enrollment or other factors. In the event of a cancellation, registered participants will be notified by e-mail and will have the option to choose an available alternative. All registration cancellations by participants must be received in writing to APPD. A $50 administration fee will be assessed for all cancellation requests received by August 22, 2024. Cancellations received after August 22, 2024 will not be eligible for a refund. All reimbursements will be processed following the meeting.


Arlington, VA